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Thursday 21 July 2011

prom pictures

necklace: vintage
dress: coast
clutch: per una
shoes: dune

Here are some pictures from my prom! The post is late because I have had such a hectic timetable recently. It started with prom, then I had to go away on camp for my Silver Duke of Edinburgh, then I had to do work experience and finally I camped at the Royal International Air Tattoo and have only just arrived back.

Prom was amazing. The after prom party was a lot better than the actual prom! It was at a karaoke bar in town, we were able to have it privately for the night because it is owned by one of the boy's parents. I danced all night!

Silver D of E was good, despite getting sunburn on my shoulders. I do have a major tan on my legs though, as proved by my white ankles (from my sock line!) I got bitten by bugs everywhere. Grrr... I hate insects. This video is exactly how I feel about them. Kingsley is such a legend. We got lost on our walk many times and ended up making a new route to the campsite instead of taking the highlighted route we were supposed to take. The rebels that we are ;)

I really enjoyed my work experience. It was at my Dad's surgery (he's a GP) and I experienced the admin side of things such as booking appointments, photocopying, faxing and handing out prescriptions as well as the medical side of things like seeing patients and even measuring their blood pressure! I still want to be a doctor when I'm older, I just don't know what type of doctor yet.

I helped out at RIAT as part of the SWAT team for my Gold Duke of Edinburgh residential camp. We had to do manual jobs like roping cones, setting up crowd barriers and putting up signs. But it wasn't just work, we had free evenings, a disco and we also got the chance to enjoy the Air Tattoo Show and see Alexandra Burke live! I met some really great people who are now Facebook friends of mine. It was really upsetting to leave in the end and I still miss all the people from the SWAT team. Hopefully I will be able to help out again next year, fingers crossed!

On Friday I leave for a gliding course where I will learn how to fly a Vigilant motor glider up to Blue GS Wings. I'll be back on the 31st July so no posts until then I'm afraid.

If you're wondering why I'm doing all of this RAF type stuff, it's not because I'm in the ATC, I'm just in CCF in my school (in the RAF section).

Speak soon! X

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