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Tuesday 21 June 2011

flower crown

My flower crown arrived in the post yesterday! It was ordered from bohemian-hobo. I'm definitely going to wear it at V festival. I love festival fashion, people can wear awesome outfits that they normally wouldn't get away with wearing.

Recently, something on the blogosphere has been getting on my nerves. It is lovely when people comment on other people's blogs and leaving a link to your blog is absolutely fine. But occasionally, you find that some people comment on blogs to ask if they can be followed. I don't know if anyone feels the same way as me, but I find this to be quite rude. I always check out the blogs of people that comment on mine and whether or not I follow them is a personal choice. In fact, I have recently been trying to cut down on the number of blogs I follow. Like everyone, I appreciate every single follower I have, but some people need to remember that blogging is not a follower competition, it is a way for people to express themselves and connect with other people. Please think twice before you put pressure on someone to follow your blog.

Anyway, great news... I have nearly finished my GCSE's! I will officially have freedom in six days. This means, more blog posts! Looking at the results of the poll on the right of my blog, most people want to see more outfit posts, so I will do lots over this summer. Beginning with my prom! It's in eight days and I'm so excited!

PS. A lot of pictures from my blog have gone missing, I'm working on fixing this so don't worry, hopefully they will be back on soon!

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